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Information Select the Course Number to get further detail on the course. Select the desired Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

RELG 101 - Introduction to Religious Studies (3)
Description: Examination of the varying concepts of religion and the methods used in studying religious behavior and belief. Notes: Usually, offered every semester.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 101H - Introduction to Religious Studies (3)

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 102 - Biblical Greek I (4).
Description: An introduction to the basics of Koiné or New Testament Greek language for beginners. Notes: Offered periodically in the fall.
4.000 Credit hours
4.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Logic Language and Semiotics

RELG 199 - General Religion Elective

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 220 - Reading Biblical Texts (3).
Description: An introduction to the various methods and interpretive approaches used to read and appreciate the texts of Ancient Israel and early Christianity that have been canonized as the Bible. Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 220H - Reading Biblical Texts (3).
Description: An introduction to the various methods and interpretive approaches used to read and appreciate the texts of Ancient Israel and early Christianity that have been canonized as the Bible. Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 299 - General Religion Elective

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 300 - Introduction to World Religions (3).
Description: Study of the major world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese religion, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Global Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 300H - Introduction to World Religions (3).

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Global Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 313 - Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) (3).
Description: Historical and literary study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 313H - Introd to Hebrew Bible(Old Tes

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 314 - New Testament (3).
Description: Historical and literary study of New Testament literature. Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 314H - New Testament

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 316 - Christian Thought from Origins to the Reformation (3).
Description: The course will introduce students to the development of Christian thought, theology, and culture from the 2nd Century to the late 15th Century. Students will grasp the influence of various philosophies on Christian theology, the significance of the early Christological controversies and other theological trends during the periods studied, the institutionalization of Christianity from the Roman Empire to the Medieval world to the Renaissance. Students will learn both the intellectual underpinnings of Early, Medieval, and Renaissance Christianity as well as the lived cultural experience of what came to be known as "Christendom." Emphasis is placed on reading primary as well as secondary sources. Prerequisite: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman). Notes: The course will typically be offered every other Fall semester, alternating with Modern Christian Thought.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective, Humanities and Arts

RELG 316H - Early Christian Thought (3).
Description: The course will introduce students to the development of Christian thought, theology, and culture from the 2nd Century to the late 15th Century. Students will grasp the influence of various philosophies on Christian theology, the significance of the early Christological controversies and other theological trends during the periods studied, the institutionalization of Christianity from the Roman Empire to the Medieval world to the Renaissance. Students will learn both the intellectual underpinnings of Early, Medieval, and Renaissance Christianity as well as the lived cultural experience of what came to be known as "Christendom." Emphasis is placed on reading primary as well as secondary sources. Prerequisite: RELG 101 or RELG 220 or RELG 314 or PHIL 301. Notes: The course will typically be offered every other Fall semester, alternating with Modern Christian Thought.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 317 - Modern Christian Thought (3)
Description: The course is designed to introduce students to some major currents in Christian thought from the Reformation to the present. By focusing on the works of numerous leading theologians and religious thinkers, students will better understand the challenges and contributions of modern consciousness to the classic formulations of Christian thought. Attention will be paid to movements such as the Reformation, the Italian and Northern Renaissances, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, Idealism, Darwinism, Existentialism, Systematic Theology, Liberation Theology, Black Theology, Feminist Theology, and Postmodern Theology. Prerequisite: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman). Notes: Usually offered every other Fall semester (historically in odd-numbered years), alternating with RELG 316.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 320 - Religion in America (3).
Description: A historical and social overview of the development of religion in the United States, including indigenous religions, Protestant and Roman Catholic Christianity, and Judaism. Attention may also be devoted to slave religion and the black church, religion and gender, revivalism and fundamentalism and new religious movements. Notes: Offered variable times.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective

RELG 320H - Religion in America

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Historical Perspective

RELG 335 - Buddhism (3).
Description: This course provides a beginning overview of Buddhist traditions and a sense of their diversity over time and geography (i.e., their transmission in South and East Asia as well as in the West). Prerequisites: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman).
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Global Perspective

RELG 335H - Buddhism (3).
Description: This course provides a beginning overview of Buddhist traditions and a sense of their diversity over time and geography (i.e., their transmission in South and East Asia as well as in the West). Prerequisites: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman).
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Global Perspective

RELG 340 - Hinduism (3).
Description: This course provides a beginning overview of Hindu traditions and a sense of Hinduism's diversity over time and geography. Notes: Usually offered every other fall, alternating with Buddhism. Prerequisites: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman).
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Global Perspective

RELG 350 - Special Topics in Religious Studies (3).
Description: In-depth consideration of a specific topic of particular concern in religious studies. The course may be offered under various topics. It may be repeated for credit under different topics. Notes: Offered variable times. Prerequisites: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman).
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 350H - Spec Top in Religious Studies
Approved titles: Human Evolution & Religion Gnostic Literature Apocryphal Gospels: Gospels You Won't Find in the NT

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 360 - Psychology of Religion (3).
Description: An analysis of religious experiences, beliefs, and values using various psychological theories. Notes: Offered variable times. Prerequisites: At least 12 hours of college credit (i.e. must be a second semester Freshman).
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 370 - Religion, Conflict, and Coexistence (3).
Description: Study of ways that religious thought contributes to conflict and/or peaceful coexistence. Example topics include extremism and terrorism, religion and race, religion and socially divisive issues, and religious responses to religious diversity. Pre-requisistes: At least 12 earned hours of college credit. Cross-listing: PEAC 370.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture, Seminar/Recitation

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 390 - Philosophy of Religion (3).
Description: An explication and analysis of the major philosophical issues involved in religious claims and commitments. Notes: Cross-listed with PHIL 390. Offered variable times. Prerequisites: PHIL 101 or RELG 101 or PHIL 302.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Humanities and Arts

RELG 399 - General Religion Elective

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 450 - Honors: Selected Topics in Religion (3).
Description: An independent inquiry, in-depth, into a selected topic in religion. Notes: Offered variable times. Prerequisites: Permission of the Chair.
3.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
3.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Seminar/Recitation

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 470 - Undergraduate Research in Religion (0).
Description: Students participate in scholarly research with a faculty member. Prerequisite: WRIT 101 Notes: Requires permission of Department Chair. May be repeated when the research project is different.
0.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 471 - Undergraduate Research in Religion (1).
Students participate in scholarly research with a faculty member. Prerequisite: WRIT 101. Notes: Requires permission of the Department Chair. Can be repeated once when the research project is different.
1.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 472 - Undergraduate Research in Religion (2).
Students participate in scholarly research with a faculty member. Prerequisite: WRIT 101. Notes: Requires permission of the Department Chair. May be repeated once when the research project is different.
2.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 473 - Undergraduate Research in Religion (3).
Students participate in scholarly research with a faculty member. Prerequisite: WRIT 101. Notes: Requires permission of department chair. Can be repeated once when the research project is different.
3.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 495 - Senior Seminar on Methods and Research in Religious Studies (3).
Description: This capstone course is an advanced research seminar for students who have already developed a solid background in the academic study of religion by having completed the core courses and 6 hours of electives in their major. The course emphasizes a detailed examination of selected topics and issues in religious studes. As a Writing Intensive course and a capstone seminar, it will include the assessment of core skills and knowledge from the major and will help students improve their writing skills as they develop their own more intense research projects in their own discipline. Notes: Intensive writing course. Offered in fall. Prerequisites: PHIL 101 or RELG 101; PHIL 220 or 225 or 371; PHIL 390 or RELG 390; and 6 additional hours in PHIL.
3.000 Credit hours
0.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
3.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Seminar/Recitation

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Capstone Course, Intensive Writing

RELG 495H - Meth&Res Sem in Religious Stud

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture, Seminar/Recitation

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

Course Attributes:
Capstone Course, Intensive Writing

RELG 499 - General Religion Elective

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 550 - Special Topics in Religion (3).
Description: An in-depth consideration of a specific topic of concern in religion. The course may be offered under various topics. It may be repeated for credit under different topics. Notes: Offered variable times. Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

RELG 599 - General Religion Elective

3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours
0.000 Lab hours
0.000 Other hours

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Philosophy & Religious Studies Department

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