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MLED 555 - Topics in Middle Level Education (1-3).
Description: Course content will vary, depending on student interest and faculty expertise. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Notes: Offered periodically. May be repeated for credit (up to 15 hours) with permission of the department chair.
1.000 TO 3.000 Credit hours
1.000 TO 3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

MLED 600 - Philosophy, Organization and Curriculum of the Middle School (3).
Description: An examination of the history, philosophy, curriculum and structure of middle schools. Middle school theories, concepts and research findings relative to exemplary programs and practice are emphasized. Notes: Offered in fall.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Seminar/Recitation

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

MLED 610 - Early Adolescence in Contemporary Society (3).
Description: An examination of the developmental characteristics of early adolescents in contemporary society using interdisciplinary themes, young adult books and other media. Notes: Offered in spring.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

MLED 620 - Content Literacy in Middle Schools (3).
Description: An examination of literacy strategies and materials appropriate for subject and interdisciplinary needs of developmentally diverse learners in middle schools. Prerequisite: EDCI 610. Notes: A student may not receive credit for EDCI 620 and READ 645. Offered in fall.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Lecture

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

MLED 630 - Pedagogy and Assessment in the Middle School (3).
Description: A study of research-based methodologies for effective middle school teaching and assessment. Empirically verified methods of pedagogical content selection, planning, delivery and assessment appropriate to middle school teaching are emphasized. Prerequisites: EDCI 600, 610 and EDUC 681. Notes: Offered in spring.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Independent Study/Research, Seminar/Recitation

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

MLED 690 - Capstone and Advanced Field Experiences in the Middle School (3).
Description: Candidates also assemble a cumulative portfolio reflecting their professional studies and present this portfolio to a review committee. Prerequisites: EDCI 600, 610, 620, 630 and EDUC 640, 670 and 681. Notes: A grade of S or U is recorded. Offered in spring.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lab hours

Levels: Graduate
Schedule Types: Field Studies, Independent Study/Research

Counsel, Leadershp, Educ St Department

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